10 January 2008

dear drivers.

Normal rain in Atlanta will inevitably fill up the gutters along the surface streets. When you see a pedestrian along the road, clinging to his jacket in order to keep his schoolwork dry while huddling under an umbrella that is probably too small for him, try not to hug the curb and send a wave of dirty rainwater crashing into him like he's on a fishing trawler in "The Perfect Storm" (the weather event, not the movie).

And I know some of you must do it for fun. It looks fun. And some of you do it to test out some fancy new tires. I get it. It's good to make sure your investment is working for you. But a wall of water was heading my way so big tonight that I thought I was shooting the Pipeline without a board.

Just think of the poor cats having to walk in that, hoping beyond hope they can come home at least 65% dry.


Nick Campbell

1 comment:

Amber Rhea said...

The first time I read this, I got to the last sentence and thought you were talking about actual cats - the four-legged, furry kind. I thought it kind of came out of nowhere, but I also thought, "Well, that's a good point. Poor cats!" Then I realized I've never noticed many - or really, *any* - cats walking along a sidewalk in the rain. They tend to huddle somewhere relatively dry, I think. *Then* I realized my problem all along had been that I am not down with the hipster-speak.